Monday, July 8, 2013

The Attack of Social media

So I really hope that nobody I know or better yet my close family / friends find this blog. Because i'm feeling trapped with my cousins, aunts, relatives and acquaintances attacking my privacy on social media sites! Facebook in particular., it's coming down to I want to talk about what I want to with out being judged or offending people I care about. I need to vent. What happened to the days when you had a diary that no one would find that you thought would be totally private and you could write your heart out? That time has been long gone. 
I feel like Facebook is falsely being advertised as a place for friends but often times has become a place for stalkers. I'm not trying to sound high and mighty or anything,because I'm guilty too. I have certain Facebook "friends" that I keep just because they have crappy lives and I can look at their profiles when I'm having a bad day to feel better. There's other people who post really annoying seemingly brainless anecdotes but i keep them as "friends" to save face and not have to explain to them why I chose to remove them.
Further more those damn  Birthday notifications. I believe that wishing all of your facebook  friends A Happy Birthday with due diligence has become some sort of social media etiquette. I've  caught myself feeling bad when I didn't wish someone a HBD. But if I had wished someone whom i have yet to talk to in 10 years a HBD I would feel like an even bigger hypocrite.

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