Monday, September 1, 2014

Celestial Seasons Natural Detox Tea Review Part 1

As a result of the most recent Detox craze, I've decided to join up. on a daily basis my instagram feed is filled with before and after pictures claiming that skinny fox , bootea, yourtea, xyz tea has given this or that person amazing results by reducing their belly fat, giving them more energy and reducing their acne among other things. I've done my research and these detox tea programs can run anywhere from $20- $40 for  a supply of tea that should last you between 3 to 14 days depending on which you choose. To the best of the knowledge none of these amazing miracle teas advertised on the internet are not available in stores. So i was a little bit skeptical, $40 is a lot of money for a two week supply of tea sight unseen.

So one day I'm walking through Walmart and i come across Celestial Season Natural Detox Tea for $2.29. i scooped it up. Mind you, this tea doesn't have any specific instructions on how to use it , nor does it make claims as to how it will help with fitness goals. I've had this tea for a couple weeks now and i am fairly happy with the product. I suffer from chronic headaches (tension, migraines, and caffeine withdrawal  when i skip drinking coffee) and this has helped. I'm not saying it makes my headaches go away but it does reduce the pain and make them more bearable. When I drink a cup of tea before bed, I don't wake up tired as I usually do. I sometimes drink it in place of Chamomile Tea to settle my stomach Also it brews very nicely in cold water. I haven't experienced any fitness related benefits yet, that's probably because i only drink the tea occasionally. So far, so good. I think I'm going to start drinking the tea regularly this week  to see about the fitness related results, Stayed tuned for my update coming soon!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Former Athlete, Out of shape

I think getting back  to your "Playing weight" as a former athlete is a lot harder than  the plain jane goal of simply loosing weight. When you were used to working out hours on end and eating anything you want because you had flash spped metabolism. Fast forward 5, even 10 years later that's so not happening. Where did all my energy go? My stamina? i can barely get through one hour of working out. or i get uper pumped on pre- work out and go squat crazy.i start watching workout videos and all of the sudden i feel like the Hulk. then the rest of the week goes by where I'm too sore to get off the couch. You feel me ?Learning the right pace to get back in the game is the biggest problem.